Prof Yemi Osinbajo Mention some area he has been active since he resumed office as the vice president of Nigeria

At the direction of Mr. President, I have represented our country in several international engagements. I have been in markets, factories, schools, and farms. I have visited our gallant troops in the North-East and our brothers and sisters in the IDP camps.

 Vice President Prof Yemi Osinbajo has mentioned some few places he has been active since he resumed office as the vice president. He mention places like

1. Market 

2. Factories 

3. Schools and 

4. Farms

He added that he has visited Gallant troops in the North East and also those in the IDP camps. 

At the direction of Mr. President, I have represented our country in several international engagements. I have been in markets, factories, schools, and farms. I have visited our gallant troops in the North-East and our brothers and sisters in the IDP camps.