How To Make Money With Pillow App?

Pillow is a savings app that allows you to virtually save your funds in dollars while earning daily passive income. You can deposit funds with Naira and earn up to 14% interest per annum.

How Pillow works?

Download and Sign Up

Download pillow from app store or google play store & signup. Use the referral code DX5TCM to get ₦1000 bonus on your first deposit.

Add funds and make your first deposit

Deposit in any case of your choice with Naira

Earn 14% returns on your savings. Start now

Sit back, relax and earn 14% assured returns on your dollar savings

How To Begin?

Simply follow the link 👉 Start Now

Frequently asked questions

What is Pillow?

Pillow is a savings app that allows you to virtually save your funds in dollars while earning daily passive income.

You can deposit funds with Naira and earn up to 14% annual interest on your deposit*.

How safe is Pillow?

All assets deposited to Pillow are securely stored with our custody partner. Additionally, all deposits in custody are protected against any incidents with a $250 million insurance policy, ensuring the safety of user funds at all times.

Finally, if you’d love to visit us, we serve our global audience from 68 Circular Road, Singapore.

What is the referral code for Pillow App?

Use referral code DX5TCM to get ₦1000 bonus on your first deposit.

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